the manner indicated in this section; but no street or alley
given or dedicated shall be considered to be under the control
of or be kept in repair by the Mayor or Town Council and
at their expense unless said street or alley had been previously
accepted by them. The Mayor and Town Council may enact
all ordinances from time to time not contrary to law neces-
sary and proper to the exercise of the power granted in this
section; provided, that before opening or closing any street
or alley at least twenty days notice shall be given them of
any application which may be made for the passing of any
such ordinance by notice posted in at least three public places,
or by two weekly insertions in one newspaper published in
Prince George's County.
SEC. 10. The Mayor and Town Council may by Ordinance
provide such fines, penalties and forfeitures for breach of their
ordinances as they may deem fit and proper, not exceeding
Twenty-Five Dollars for any one offense, and may provide
in the case of non-payment of such fines, penalties and for-
feitures that the offender be imprisoned in the town lock-up
or county jail for a period not exceeding sixty days. All per-
sons violating any ordinance passed by the Mayor and Town
Council shall be tried before a Justice of the Peace of the
Eighteenth (Seat Pleasant) District as such persons would be
tried for violations of any State law, except that it shall be
unnecessary for the Justice of the Peace to ask the accused
if he desires jury trial. The Justice of the Peace in such
cases shall receive such fees as are provided for in similar
cases under the general law.
SEC. 11. The Mayor and Town Council shall have the
power to require a license for all circuses, menageries, the-
atrical exhibition and other amusements for gain within the
limits of said town and may charge therefor for each exhi-
bition or show or performance a fee not in excess of Twenty-
Five Dollars, provided, however, that this Section shall not
apply to entertainments given for religious and charitable
purposes nor to entertainments given by residents of the town
not for gain. The Mayor and Town Council shall have the
power to regulate business therein by requiring a license
therefor and may charge a fee for such license not exceeding
Fifteen Dollars. All licenses shall be for one year and shall
expire on the thirty-first day of December of the year in
which they have been issued.