the right to the use of the east gable wall of the house on
the lot described in said ded as therein set forth and reserved.
And beginning for the second thereof at a point where the
fourth or last course of the lot hereinafter described is inter-
sected by the third course of the lot, which by deed dated
March 26th, 1912, and recorded in Liber S. C. L. No. 2727,
folio 163 &c., was granted and conveyed by Samuel Siegael, et.
al, to Morris Abramovitz, et al, which place of beginning is
at the distance of sixty-eight feet, one inch, more or less, south-
erly from the south side of Baltimore St., and running thence
westerly, parallel with Baltimore Street, and along with and
binding on the third course of the lot hereinabove last men-
tioned, nineteen feet, three inches, more or less, to the end
thereof and to a point distant two feet, nine inches easterly
from the east side of the east gable and wall of the house there
erected; thence southerly, parallel with said wall and along
with and binding on the fourth course of said last hereinabove
mentioned lot, forty-eight fet, five inches to the end thereof
to an alley there laid out communicating with Broadway;
thence easterly, binding on said alley, nineteen feet, three
inches, more or less, to the lot hereinbefore in this deed first
described; and thence northerly, along with and binding on
the fourth or last course of the said lot to the place of begin-
2nd. To the grant and deed executed by Isaac Robinson
to the Shomre Mishmereth Hakodesh Anshe Wolin Congrega-
tion of Baltimore City, said deed being dated August 20th,
1917, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore City
in Liber S. C. L. No. 3150, folio 300 &c., conveying certain
lots of ground situate on the west side of Aisquith Street and
the east side of Forrest Street and more particularly described
as follows:
Beginning for the first thereof on the west side of Aisquith
St. at the distance of one hundred and sixty-eight feet, three
inches northerly from the intersection formed by the north
side of Comet St. with the west side of Aisquith St., which
place of beginning is designed to be at the southeast corner
of the house erected on the lot now being described; and run-
ning thence northerly binding on the west side of Aisquith
St. twenty feet to the northeast corner of said house and to
the south side of an alley three feet wide; thence westerly
along the north end wall of said house and along a division
fence in all one hundred and twelve feet, nine inches until it
intersects the second line of the ground assigned by Thmoas
J. Irving to Charles M. Myer (November 8, 1864, Liber A.
M. 2631, folio 434) thence running with and binding on part
said line southerly ..... and upon the wall of the house