To the gifts, bequests and devises contained in the last will
and testament of Lizzie Noonan, late of Baltimore City, de-
ceased, bearing date the thirty-first day of March, 1926, of
record in the office of the Register of Wills of Baltimore City
in Wills Liber E. R. D. No. 154 folio 428 to the Most Reverend
Michael J. Curley, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Baltimore.
To the gifts, bequests and devises contained in the last will
and testament of Amelia A. Passano, late of Baltimore City,
deceased, bearing date the 14th day of August, 1914, and a
codicil thereto bearing date the 12th day of January, 1922,
both now of record in the office of the Register of Wills of
Baltimore City in Wills Liber E. R. D. No. 153 folio 366 to
the Institute of Mission Helpers of Baltimore City, St. Vin-
cent's Infant Asylum of Baltimore City, the Little Sisters
of the Poor, the Sisters of Bon Secour for the Care of the
Sick of Baltimore City, and the Young Catholic's Friend So-
To the deed from the Church Extension Society of the
Diocese of Maryland to the Vestry of the Church of the Holy
Nativity in Baltimore City, said deed bearing date the tenth
day of February, 1921 and recorded among the Land Records
of Baltimore City in Liber S. C. L. No. 3700, folio 264, etc.,
and to the holding and disposing of the property therein de-
scribed, being a lot pf ground at the Southeast corner of Gar-
rison Avenue and Egerton Road, in Baltimore City, Maryland,
by the said Vestry of the Church of the Holy Nativity in Bal-
timore City, according to law.
To the Grant and deed executed by Ida Bass and Harry
Bass, her husband, to the Yeshivath Torah V'Emunah Hebrew
Parochial School of Baltimore and Talmudical Seminary, said
deed being dated July 31st, 1925, and recorded among the
Land Records of Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. No. 4433,
folio 346 &c., conveying certain lots of ground situate on the
south side of Baltimore Street Between Broadway and Reg-
ister Streets and more particularly described as follows:
Beginning for the first thereof on the south side of Balti-
more Street at the distance of eighty feet, four inches easter-
ly from the southeast corner of Baltimore St. and Broadway,
etc., of lot formerly owned by Mrs. Bennett, one hundred
and fourteen feet, more or less, to the place of beginning.
Saving and Exception thereout, however, so much thereof as
may have been heretofore granted and conveyed by Samuel
Siegael, et al, to Morris Abramovitz, et al, by deed dated
March 26th, 1912, and recorded among the Land Records of
Baltimore City, in Liber S. C. L. 2727, folio 163, but with