or anywhere within the State if it be a State-wide license,
at any time when it shall be lawful to hunt game which is
protected by law; provided, that every licensee while hunting,
as aforesaid, shall have upon his person the license referred
to above, and shall also display a tag bearing his license num-
ber in figures at least one inch in height, fastened upon his
outer garment at the center of its back and between the
shoulders in such manner that the figures are visible at all
times while thus hunting. The license must be produced for
the inspection of the Game Warden, Deputy Game Wardens,
Sheriffs, Constables or other officers or any landowner or
tenant demanding to see it.
16. The owner of farm lands, their children or tenants,
or children of such tenants, shall, without procuring such
license, have the right to hunt said enumerated game, during
the open season for the same, on the said farm lands of which
he or they are the bona, fide owners, children of such owners or
tenants, or children of such tenants.
17. The Clerks of the Circuit Courts of the counties and
the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore City
shall, on the first day of June, nineteen hundred and eighteen,
and on the first day of each and every month thereafter, trans-
mit to the Comptroller of this State all moneys received by
them for licenses; the said amounts so received by the Comp-
troller shall be placed to the credit of a separate fund to be
known as "The State Game Protection Fund, " and shall be
disbursed by the said State Comptroller from time to time,
on warrants signed by the Conservation Commissioner and
Game Warden of Maryland. The moneys in said fund shall
be used solely for the salaries and expenses of the Game
Warden and his subordinates, and for the protection and
propagation of birds and game. Out of the fund the Game
Warden shall pay the sum of Fifty Cents (50c) for each
head of a bird or chicken hawk, known as the sharp-shinned
and cooper hawks, actually killed in this State to persons
producing satisfactory proof of having killed same within
this State; however, said head must be presented to the Game
Warden or District Deputy Game Warden of the County in
which said hawk was killed and the person presenting same
shall make affidavit that said hawk was killed within the
borders of said County. The Conservation Commissioner shall
require the Game Warden to file an annual account with