him showing the entire receipts and disbursements of him-
self and all deputies, and exhibit vouchers therefor, and
also shall require said Game Warden to file an approved
bond in the penalty of Two Thousand Dollars ($2, 000. 00).
for the faithful performance of his duties, the cost of said
bond to be paid out of said fund.
18. Any person found guilty of hunting any game pro-
tected by law without having first procured a license, except
as herein provided, or for refusing to show said license when
demanded by the Game Warden or any Deputy Game Warden,
Sheriff, Constable or other officer or person, or failing to
display the license number on his back as provided by law,
or violating any of the other provisions of this sub-title, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof, before any Justice of the Peace of the County or City
where the offense was committed, shall be fined Twenty Dol-
lars ($20. 00) for each and every offense and shall stand
committed to the County Jail or the Baltimore City Jail,
until such fine and costs are paid, but such imprisonment
shall not exceed twenty days for each offense. Any person
convicted for hunting without proper license and tag in
possession while hunting, or using any other person's license
or tag, said license and tag shall be confiscated, and the
person upon whom it was found, and the licensee, shall be
disbarred from procuring a hunter's license for a period of
one year, provided, that the minimum fine in the case of a
person to whom a hunter's license has been duly issued, but
who, through inadvertence has not the same on their person:
at the time of arrest but who shall present same to the Court
before whom they were convicted, within five days after con-
viction, and if said Court after making investigation finds;
said license and tag which is presented were duly issued prior
to the apprehension of said person, then at the discretion of
said Court the fine shall be Five Dollars ($5. 00) for each
and every offense instead of Twenty Dollars ($20. 00) as
herein prescribed.
19. All persons hunting water fowl on any of the waters
of this State must first procure a hunter's license to so hunt,
shoot or kill. Local licenses issued to residents of Harford
and Cecil Counties shall be valid for the killing of water fowl
on the Susquehanna Flats.