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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1151   View pdf image (33K)
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he shall pay a fee of One Dollar ($1. 00) which will entitle him
to hunt in the county in which his lands are assessed, and if he
shall desire a State-wide license he shall pay a fee of Five
Dollars ($5. 00); said license shall !be issued only in the county
where said non-resident owns land and where his name must
appear on the tax books of said county as owner, and infor-
mation must be given as to location of property when applying
for license; and if a resident of the State of Maryland, the
applicant shall pay to the Clerk of the Court of the county of
which he is a resident, the sum of One Dollar ($1. 00), which
shall entitle him to hunt in the county in which he procures
such license, and if he shall desire a State-wide license, he shall
pay a. fee of Five Dollars ($5. 00), which said license may be
issued by the Clerk of any Circuit Court or by the Clerk of the
Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore City. The Clerk of the
Court shall thereupon issue a license and tag, to be supplied
to the said clerks by the Game Warden and said license shall
bear the signature of the Game Warden and shall be counter-
signed by clerk issuing the same, who shall at the same time fill
out on a stub attached to the license blank, the name and address
of the licensee and shall then detach said stub and mail same to
the Game Warden, the first day of each and every month in
each year. Such license shall be void on the first day of June
of each year following date of issue. In addition to the license
fee so received, the clerk issuing the same shall collect and
retain in lieu of all other compensation or commission the sum
of fifty cents (50c) from each non-resident licensee, and the
sum of twenty-five cents (25c) from each resident licensee,
for issuing the same, and shall deliver the license properly exe-
cuted to the applicant in person or by mail without further cost.
And no license shall be issued to any person under fourteen
years of age, except upon the written request of the parent or
guardian. Such license shall not be transferable, and if used
or presented by any person other than the person to whom it
was issued, such license shall be confiscated by the Game War-
den, any Deputy Game Warden, Constable or other officer who
shall find such license being used; provided, a permanent
resident of Indian Head Government reservation shall be
entitled to procure a resident Hunter's license for Charles

15. Every license so issued shall entitle the person to
whom it is issued to hunt game which is protected by law,
in any county within the State for which the same is issued,


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1151   View pdf image (33K)
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