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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1150   View pdf image (33K)
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was not contrary to law, then the judgment shall be that the
same be returned to the person or corporation from whom the
same was taken.

12. All Sheriffs, Constables and Police Officers and all the
Officers appointed by the Conservation Department of Mary-
land, shall assist in enforcing all of the game and fish laws of
this State, and shall have all the powers of a Deputy Game

13. Whenever the Game Warden shall require the assistance
of the state fishery force he shall so advise the Conservation
Commissioner who shall instruct the commander of the state
fishery force to forthwith assist the Game Warden or Deputy
Game Wardens in the enforcement of the game and fish laws
of this State. And whenever the Game Warden or the Deputy
Game Wardens shall require the advice and assistance of the
State's Attorneys and Sheriffs of the several Counties of this
State or of Baltimore City, it shall be the duty of said officers
to render the required assistance as in other State cases.


14. For the purpose of providing a fund for the payment
of the expenses of protecting and propagating certain birds and
animals, and preventing unauthorized persons from killing the
same, no person or persons shall at any time hunt in any manner
any game birds or animals on which there is an open and closed
season, without first having procured a license so to hunt, and
then only during the respective periods of the year when it shall
be lawful to hunt said birds and animals. The said license shall
be procured from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of any county,
or from the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore
City, in the following manner, to wit:

The applicant shall fill out, sign and forward to the Clerk of
the Court a blank application to be furnished by the Game
Warden through the clerks of said courts, stating the name, age,
color, height, color of eyes and hair, occupation and place of
residence of the applicant; application for any such license may
be made through the mails. The applicant, if a non-resident
of the State of Maryland, shall pay to the Clerk of the Court in
which he files his or her application, the sum of Fifteen Dollars
6 ($15. 00) as a license fee; if a non-resident landowner of any
county to the assessed value of Five Hundred Dollars ($500. 00)


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1150   View pdf image (33K)
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