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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1147   View pdf image (33K)
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but shall receive as their compensation one-half of all fines
derived from the prosecution of violators of the game and
fish laws arrested by them. Such Deputy Game Wardens
shall be termed "non-salaried officers" and at no time shall
the number exceed twenty-five (25) in any one county of this
State or fifty (50) in Baltimore City. All Deputy Game
Wardens shall perform such duties as the Game Warden may
designate, including the guarding of streams and waters of
the state against pollution.

6. The Game Warden shall issue to each person so ap-
pointed as Deputy Game Warden a commission and badge and
transmit such commission to the Clerk's office of the Circuit
Court for the County in which the Deputy Game Warden
so appointed has his legal residence, or to the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, if residing
in Baltimore City, and may revoke and annul any such ap-
pointment at any time he may desire.

7. The Game Warden and every Deputy Game Warden
shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and
subscribe before the clerk of the Circuit Court of the county of
which he is a resident, or if a resident of Baltimore City, before
the Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City, the oath or
affirmation prescribed by the sixth section of the first Article of
the constitution of this State, which oath or affirmation shall
be recorded in the clerk's office of such county or city. The
Clerk of Court shall charge fifty cents (50c) for recording such
oath or affirmation. The Clerk of the Court before whom said
person takes the oath of office shall notify in writing the Game
Warden of this State. The Game Warden and every Deputy
Game Warden of the State so appointed, after the recording of
the oath or affirmation to be by said Game Warden or Deputy
Game Wardens taken as aforesaid, shall, in the County, Coun-
ties, City or Cities for which such Deputy Game Warden may
be appointed, possess and exercise all the authority and powers
held or exercised by constables at common law and under the
statutes of this State, and also all authority and power con-
ferred by law upon policemen in the City of Baltimore or any
other city of this State, as far as arresting and prosecuting
persons for violating any of the fish and game laws of this
State are concerned; the salaried Deputy Game Wardens shall,
when on duty, carry equipment as specified by the Game War-
den, and they are hereby vested with additional powers to arrest


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Session Laws, 1927
Volume 569, Page 1147   View pdf image (33K)
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