killed and includes all periods of time not included within
the open season.
The term "hunt" shall mean to include: hunt, pursue, catch,
kill, trap, shoot or attempt to hunt, pursue, catch, kill, trap
or shoot.
3. The Conservation Commissioner of Maryland on the
first Monday in June, 1918, and every four years thereafter
shall appoint, with the approval of the Governor of this State,
a Game Warden for the State whose term of office shall be for
four years or until his successor shall be appointed and quali-
fied. The said Game Warden shall receive a salary from the
State for his services to the amount as provided by the budget
of this State per annum, and shall be entitled to traveling ex-
penses and all other expenses incurred in the discharge of
his duties. The Game Warden may be removed by the Con-
servation Commissioner, with the approval of the Governor,
at any time upon satisfactory proof to them that said Game
Warden is not vigorously enforcing the game or fish laws of
this State or is not competent for said position.
4. It shall be the duty of the Game Warden and deputy
game wardens to prosecute all persons and corporations having
in their possession any game or fish contrary to the laws of
this State. It shall also be their duty to see that the game
and fish laws are enforced.
5. Whenever the Game Warden considers that it is neces-
sary that he should have Deputy Game Wardens to assist
him in more efficiently enforcing the game and fish laws of
this State, he may issue a commission, signed by the Game
Warden and the Conservation Commissioner, to such persons
as he may designate to act as Deputy Game Wardens, to
enforce said laws; such persons may be appointed for the
whole State or for such county or counties, city or cities as
the Game Warden may designate. Such Deputy Game
Wardens shall not receive a salary from the State, counties
or cities, but shall be paid such compensation out of the State
Game Protection Fund as the Game Warden may agree with
them. In similar manner there may be appointed Deputy
Game Wardens for the State at large or for any section of this
State, such Deputy Game Wardens shall not receive a salary,