without warrant persons known to be guilty of violat-
ing any of the provisions of the game and fish laws of this
State, and to forthwith take any and all such persons before any
Justice of the Peace of the County or City where the offense
was committed to be dealt with in accordance with the pro-
visions of the game and fish laws. In the event of finding
game or fish taken or held in possession contrary to the laws
of this State, the Game Warden or Deputy Game Wardens
or other officer may confiscate same and the Game Warden shall
dispose of any confiscated property as he may deem advisable
to the best interest of this State.
8. The Game Warden and Deputy Game Wardens shall,
when acting in their official capacity, except when on detective
duty, wear in plain view a metallic badge with the words "Game
Warden" or "Deputy Game Warden" as the case may be, in-
scribed thereon, as furnished by the Game Warden of this State.
The metallic shield or badge provided for in this section is here-
by declared to be the property of the State, and upon the ter-
mination of a commission of any Deputy Game Warden he shall
forthwith return the said shield or badge and commission to the
Game Warden. In case of the failure of said Deputy Game
Warden to comply with the provisions of this section, by return-
ing immediately to the Game Warden his badge and commission
after notice has been given as provided by law, he shall be deem-
ed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined
Five Dollars ($5. 00) and costs by any Justice of the Peace of
the County or City in which said Deputy resides; the said fine
to be payable to the State Game Protection Fund.
9. Whenever the services of any Deputy Game Warden shall
no longer be required by the Game Warden, the Game Warden
shall give a notice in writing to this effect to said Deputy, and
shall file the same in the office of the Clerk where the oath of
office of such Deputy shall be recorded, which notice shall be
noted by the Clerk upon the margin of the record where such
oath or affirmation is recorded, and thereafter the power of
such Deputy shall cease and determine, and a copy of such
notice shall be immediately served on such Deputy by the
Game Warden and such service shall be by registered letter
through the U. S. Mails or by the Game Warden in person or
one of his deputies whom he may designate to notify the Deputy
of the revocation of his commission.