clude individuals, co-partnerships, associations, and corpora-
tions; the singular shall include the plural, and the masculine,
the feminine and neuter.
The term "Game Birds" shall include: (a) the anatidae,
commonly known as swan, geese, brant and river and sea
ducks; (b) the pygopodes, commonly known as loons and
grebes (the members of these two orders being commonly
known as wild water-fowl); (c) the rallidae, commonly known
as rails or sora, coots, mud-hens and gullinules; (d) the limi-
colae, commonly known as shore birds, plover, surf birds,
snipe, woodcock, sandpipers, tattlers and curlew; (e) the
gallinae, commonly known as wild turkey, ruffed grouse,
pheasants, doves, partridges and quail; and (f) the birds com-
monly known as reedbirds and blackbirds.
The term agame animals" shall include: (a) the wapiti or
elk; (b) the deer; (c) the wild rabbit and hare; (d) the red,
gray, black and fox squirrel.
The term "game" shall include "game animals77 and "game
birds, " which are protected by law.
The term "fur-bearing animals'' shall include: (a) the
mink; (b) the muskrat; (c) the opossum; (d) the otter;
(e) the raccoon; and (f) the beaver.
The term "vermin" shall include all wild animals not
classed as game animals or fur-bearing animals, and all wild
birds other than game birds and protected birds.
The term "unprotected birds" shall include: (a) the blue
jay; (b) the English sparrow; (c) the European starling;
(d) the kingfisher; (e) the buzzard; (f) the crow; and (g)
all species of hawks and owls.
The term "protected birds" shall include all wild birds not
included within the terms agame birds" and "unprotected
birds. "
The term "wild birds" includes all birds other than do-
mestic birds.
The term "open season" shall mean the time, with the
exception of Sunday, during which game and fur-bearing
animals may be legally taken or killed and shall include both
the first and last day of the season or period designated by
this Article.
The term "closed season" shall mean the time during which
game or fur-bearing animals may not be legally taken or