officers, —Marshal, Health Officer, Building Inspector, and
Clerk, who shall hold office for the period of one year, or
until their successors are appointed and qualified. The Mayor
and Town Council shall fix the amount and authorize the
payment of the salary of such subordinate officers, and shall
prescribe their duties except as herein provided.
The Marshal and the Health Officer, with the approval
of the Mayor and Town Council, shall each appoint such
assistant or assistants as the Council will allow, who shall be
paid compensation in such amount as may be fixed by the
Mayor and Town Council.
The Clerk shall keep a careful record of minutes, pro-
ceedings and ordinances, which shall be open to the inspection
of all persons interested therein, and shall safely keep all
records and documents, issue licenses, collect moneys therefor,
and turn same over to the Town Treasurer. He shall also
keep proper accounts as Clerk, and shall perform such other
duties as the Mayor and Town Council may assign to him.
The Treasurer shall make all collections of taxes and re-
ceive all money paid for the use and benefit of said Town of
Edmonston, and shall, upon the order of the Mayor and
Town Council, make all the authorized disbursements of
said town. He shall keep an account of the receipts and dis-
bursements of the funds of the town, and shall render an
account to the Mayor and Town Council when required by
them.. He shall receive for his services such sum as the
Mayor and Town Council shall fix, which amount shall not
exceed One Hundred and Fifty Dollars in any one year.
The Clerk and Treasurer shall each give bond to the Mayor
and Town Council in such penalties and with such sureties.
as they may require.
The Marshal, and his assistant or assistants, if any, shall
preserve the peace and good order of the town, and for this
purpose they are hereby vested with the same power and
authority as constables now have or may have hereafter under
the Laws of this State, within the corporate limits of said
The Health Officer, and his assistant or assistants, if any,
are hereby vested with the same power and authority as health
officers in this State. They shall make as frequent inspec-
tions as may be necessary to preserve the public health and
make the town sanitary.
Approved April 26, 1927.