And on the registration days in each and every year, here-
in provided for, the said Board shall sit, between the hours of
8 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock P. M. for supplemental regis-
tration and revision, after giving the notice as hereinbefore
prescribed, at which sittings duly qualified voters may regis-
ter, and the names of any persons on the said books of regis-
tration who have removed from the said town or for other rea-
sons are disqualified as voters, shall be erased from the books
by said Board upon their own initiative, or upon the affidavit
of any bona fide resident of the town that such person or per-
sons are not residents of the town or are otherwise disqualified
and not entitled to register and vote in said town elections.
And provided that any one who shall feel aggrieved at the
action of the said Board of Election Supervisors acting as such
Board of Registration shall have the right of appeal to the
'Circuit Court of Prince George's County at any time within
ten days after the last day of such registration.
The list of registered voters so made shall be entered upon
books duly provided for the purpose, which shall be kept in
the custody of the town clerk, and open to public inspection
at any and all times. From the list so made said Board of
Registration and Election shall conduct the election on the
ensuing first Monday in July of each year.
Approved April 5, 1927.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 9,
Chapter 154, of the Laws of Maryland, 1924, entitled "An
Act to incorporate the Town of Edmonston, in Prince
George's County, Maryland, and to provide for the sub-
mission of this question to the qualified voters of said town
for their adoption or rejection.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 9, Chapter 154, of the Laws of Mary-
land, 1924, be, and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments so as to read as follows:
Section 9. The Mayor, with the approval of the majority
of the Town Council, shall appoint the following subordinate