In the absence of any Justice of the Peace, resident in said
town, the Mayor and Town Council are hereby authorized and
empowered to designate any non-resident Justice of the Peace
for Prince George's County to act as conservator of the: peace
of said town, who shall have the same power and jurisdiction
to hear any and all cases involving any violation of ordinances
of the Mayor and Town Council and do all things necessary
to fulfill the duties of such office.
Approved April 26, 1927.
AN ACT to provide for an annual registration of voters in
the Town of Edmonston, in Prince George's County, Mary-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Board of Election Supervisors, provided
for under Section 7, of Chapter 154, of the Laws of Maryland,
1924, shall also act as a Board of Registration. Said Board
shall each year after their appointment cause to be made a com-
plete registration of all persons entitled to vote at the town
elections, and shall appoint the time and the place of registra-
tion and give public notice thereof by advertisement published
in at least one newspaper in Prince George's County and also
by notice published in at least five public places in said town.
They shall arrange for two days of registration, the earliest of
which shall be not more than forty days before the ensuing
election to be held on the first Monday in July and the last of
which shall not be less than thirty days before said election.
On said days of registration, it shall be the duty of all quali-
fied residents desiring to vote at the ensuing election to apply
for registration, and no person not so registered shall be en-
titled to vote at said election. It shall be the duty of said
Board of Registration and Election to register all citizens of
the town of twenty-one years and upwards so applying, who
at the time of application may possess the qualifications neces-
sary to entitle them to register as legally qualified voters of
the State of Maryland, and who in addition thereto, shall have
resided in said town for at least one year immediately pre-
ceding such application at said annual registration.