AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and Town
Council of Edmonston, in Prince George's County, Mary-
land, to make sidewalk, curb, gutter, roadbed and street
improvements; to borrow money for such purpose up to
Fifty Thousand Dollars on the faith and credit of said
town; to assess the cost thereof upon abutting property
owners; and to provide a referendum for the people to vote
upon the question.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Mayor and Town Council of Edmonston,
in Prince George's County, Maryland, be and they are hereby
authorized and. empowered, in all cases where they shall de-
termine it to be necessary for the public benefit and for the
interest of abutting owners, or upon the petition duly signed
by a majority of the abutting property owners in any street,
to cause to be made and constructed sidewalks, curbs, gutters,
and roadbed and street improvements, in any of the streets
of said town. The sidewalks, including curbs, shall not be
less than three feet six inches in width and of brick, concrete,
stone or other approved material, and the roadbeds of said
streets or highways shall be made of cement or concrete,
macadam, or other approved material and shall be of a width
sufficient for the needs of said street. The entire cost of such
improvements, except that portion applicable to street and
public alley intersections, shall be assessed equally upon the
abutting property, and shall be payable, at the option of the
owner of the abutting property, in one lump sum in cash, or
in six equal instalments of six, twelve, eighteen, twenty-four,
thirty and thirty-six months respectively, from the date of
the assessment, with interest at the rate of six per centum
per annum. The assessment for any such improvements
shall be a lien upon said abutting property, and shall be
collected and enforced as other taxes, in the same manner as
taxes due the Town of Edmonston under the provisions of
Chapter 154 of the Laws of Maryland, 1924. The Mayor
and Town Council shall have full power to make all needful
regulations as to the notice of such assessments to property
SEC. 2. In order to provide the funds necessary to make
the sidewalk, curb, gutter, roadbed and street improvements