upon the transfer of ownership of motor vehicles, in certain
cases; to enlarge the power of the Commissioner of Motor
Vehicles to suspend markers and certificates of registration;
to revise the provisions relating to reciprocal privileges of
non-residents, to accord reciprocal privileges to all non-resi-
dent motor carriers except those operating on a regular sched-
ule, or between fixed termini, and to subject residents of the
District of Columbia to all of the conditions of reciprocity
imposed by Section 190 of said Article; to modify the pro-
visions with reference to lights on motor vehicles; to make
it unlawful to lay down a smoke screen; to increase the max-
imum width and weight of motor vehicles; to restrict the use
of solid tires in certain cases; to modify the speed laws; to
modify and amplify the provisions with reference to certifi-
cates of ownership of motor vehicles; to provide for the filing of
a written order of appeal from the judgments of Justices of
the Peace in motor vehicle cases; to prescribe a uniform
system of dockets and accounting in motor vehicle cases; and
to impose penalties for violations of certain of the above
provisions; to repeal Sections 222 and 223, of Article 56
of the Annotated Code of Maryland, Edition of 1924, title
"Licenses, " sub-title "Gasoline Tax"; and to add six new
sections to Article 56 of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
Edition of 1924, title "Licenses, " sub-title "Motor Vehi-
cles, " to be known as Sections 171-A, 178-A, 179-A, 179-B,
and 203-A, Section 171-A to follow immediately after
Section 171, Section 178-A to follow immediately after
Section 178, Section 1Y9-A and 179-B to follow imme-
diately after Section 179, and Section 203-A to follow imme-
diately after Section 203, to make the provisions of said sub-
title exclusive of all public local laws and municipal and
local ordinances and regulations, covering the same subject
matter; to provide for the disposition of lost, abandoned and
stolen motor vehicles, and parts thereof; to provide for the
registration of dealers and to exempt registered dealers from
the necessity of registering new motor vehicles by manufac-
turers' number; to provide for a record of persons renting
"for rent" cars; to regulate the purchase or sale of used or
second hand motor vehicles not registered in this State, and
to impose penalties for violations of certain of the above
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 173, 179, 182, 185, 189, 190, 193,