and running thence northerly and binding on the west side of
Cathedral Street, twenty-five feet; thence westerly parallel
with Hamilton Street 0110 hundred and fifty feet and six
inches to an alley twenty feet wide extending from Hamilton
Street to Centre Street; thence southerly parallel with Cathe-
dral Street and binding on the east side of said alley twenty-
five feet to Hamilton Street; thence easterly binding on the
north side of Hamilton Street, one hundred and fifty feet and
six inches to the place of beginning.
173. To the following bequests to certain religious cor-
porations or bodies contained in the last will and testament of
Oscar R. Hood, late of Carroll County, deceased, duly ad-
mitted to probate and of record in the Orphans' Court of Car-
roll County, Maryland, viz:
(a) To the bequest of the sum of one hundred dollars to
the Trustees of Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, the in-
come therefrom to be used perpetually for the upkeep of the
lot in the cemetery of said Church in which his father and
mother are buried.
(b) To the bequest of one hundred dollars to the Trustees
of West Falls Methodist Episcopal Church, the income there-
from to be used perpetually for the support of the Minister of
said Church.
Approved April 26, 1927.
AN ACT to add a new section to Article 23 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1924 Edition), title "Corporations,"
sub-title "Public Service Commission," to be known as
Section 397-A and to follow immediately after Section 397
of said Article, requiring certain information to be placed
on bills rendered consumers or customers by public utilities,