Episcopal Church in the diocese of Easton, dated March 22,
1927, and recorded March 23rd, 1927, among the land records
of Dorchester County in Liber J". F. D. 19.
169. To the bequest of $5,000.00 to The Vestry of Saint
Andrew's P. E. Church of Princess Anne, Somerset County,.
Maryland, contained in the will of Samuel Johnson, deceased,
received in Orphans' Court of Baltimore City.
170. To the gift or bequest of Five Thousand ($5,000)
Dollars, made by and contained in the last will and testament
of Helen L. Thompson, late of Montgomery County, deceased,
to the Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, at Takoma Park,
Montgomery County, Maryland, described in said will as "the
Takoma Park Presbyterian Church, located in Takoma Park.
in the District of Columbia," which said church was incor-
porated September 27, 1893, by the name of "The Trustees of
the Presbyterian Church at Takoma Park of Montgomery
County," as shown by certificate of incorporation recorded in
Corporation Record, E. P. B. No. 1, at folio 203, and as
amended on July 3, 1903, and shown by amendment recorded
in Corporation Record E. P. B. No. 1, folio 346, all of the
public records of Montgomery County, Maryland, said last
will and testament of said Helen F. Thompson being recorded
in Liber H. C. A. No. 26, folio 427, of the records in the office
of the Register of Wills for Montgomery County, Maryland.
171. Deed and conveyance of fee simple lot of ground on
the west side of Carrollton Avenue from Charles J. Knipp
and wife to the Vestry of the Bishop Cummins Memorial
Church of Baltimore City, dated November 1st, 1916, re-
corded in land records of Baltimore City, S. C. L. 3086, folio
172. To the conveyance to the Franklin Street Presby-
terian Congregation in the City of Baltimore, a body corpo-
rate, of the reversion in fee simple in, together with the annual
ground rent of one hundred and fifty dollars; ($150) issuing
out of, a lot of ground situate at the northwest corner of Cathe-
dral and Hamilton Streets in the City of Baltimore, and par-
ticularly described as follows, that is to say: Beginning for
the same at the corner formed by the intersection of the north
side of Hamilton Street and the west side of Cathedral Street,