and Thirty-third Streets, running westerly one hundred and
sixty-three feet and three inches on Thirty-third Street to
Lovegrove Alley, with an even wepth southerly of one hundred
feet by the said Baltimore City Missionary and Church Ex-
tension Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, accord-
ing to law.
28. To the Vestry of St. John's Parish in Baltimore and
Harford Counties:
(1) Bequest of Ellen C. Bonaparte, late of Baltimore City,
deceased, whose will was admitted to probate in the Orphans'
Court of Baltimore City, on the 27th day of June, 1924, of
the sum of $7, 000. 00 to the Rector, Wardens and Vestry of
St. John's Parish in Baltimore and Harford Counties, located
at Kingsville, Md.
(2) Conveyance of John J. Hanley, et al., to said Vestry
of St. John's Parish in Baltimore and Harford Counties of
a tract of land containing five and four-tenths acres of land,
more or less, and more particularly described in a deed from
said John J. Hanley et al., to said Vestry of St. John's Parish,
dated the 6th day of July, 1920, recorded in Liber W. P. C.
No. 527, folio 310, one of the land records of Baltimore
30. To the sale and conveyance by Addie M. Fleet to the
Roland Park Methodist Episcopal Church of Baltimore
County and State of Maryland, a body corporate, duly incor-
porated under the laws of the State of Maryland, by deed
dated May thirteenth, 1910, and recorded among the land
records of Baltimore County in Liber W. P. C. No. 360,
folio 312, etc., of lot number twenty-five (25) in Block No.
ten (10) on plat No. one (1) of Roland Park as recorded
in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County in Plat Book J. W. S. No. 1, folio 68, said lot being
on Woodlawn Road in Roland Park, formerly in Baltimore
County but now in Baltimore City, Maryland.
31. To the sale and conveyance by W. Clarence Craumer
and wife and Martin R. Schuster and wife to the Trustees
of Towson M. E. Church of Baltimore County and State
of Maryland, a body corporate, of a lot of ground described
in a deed dated May 9th, 1924, and duly recorded among the