After the receipt of the proceeds from the sale of said bonds
by the Board of Education of Washington County from the
County Commissioners of Washington County, the said Board
of Education of Washington County shall deposit in a bank
in Washington County, Maryland, paying the highest rate of
interest the said money, when and as received, until the same
is actually used by the said Board of Education for the pur-
poses aforesaid, provided, however, that said Board of Educa-
tion shall have the right to reject any or all bids from banks
for deposit of said money and shall have the right to demand
and secure from any bank bidding for deposit of said money
a bond of indemnity in form and with such provisions as will
guarantee, secure and save harmless said money so deposited
from any possible loss whatsoever. Said proceeds from the
sale of said bonds and any interest accrued thereon to be used
when necessary in the judgment of said Board of Education of
Washington County to pay for any site or the erection, com-
pletion and equipment of any building or buildings or repairs
on old buildings needful for the proper comfort of the scholars
or the preservation of existing buildings now used for school
Provided, however, that if any balance remains after provid-
ing for the purchase of sites and erection, completion and
equipment of the aforesaid buildings, the said Board of Educa-
tion may, in its discretion, expend the said balance for the re-
pair and equipment of any existing school building or build-
ings or for the erection and equipment of any additional school
building or buildings which it may deem necessary.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the County Com-
missioners of Washington County be and they are hereby au-
thorized and directed to levy annually on the taxable property
of said county a sum of money sufficient to pay the interest on
said bonds and to redeem said bonds as they mature and become
payable and said taxes shall be collected in like manner as other
taxes in said county, and when collected shall be applied to the
payment of the interest on said bonds and to the redemption of
said bonds as they mature and become payable.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the Board of Edu-
cation of Washington County shall publish within ninety (90)
days after the completion of any buildings provided for in this
Act, in at least one newspaper in Hagerstown, a complete
statement in detail, showing the cost of the site, the building
and equipment thereof.