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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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receipt thereof by the said County Commissioners to the Board
of Education of Washington County to be used by said Board
of Education as in their judgment seems most advisable for the
purchase of land for a site for and the erection, completion and
equipment of school buildings, including a new High School, in
Hagerstown, Maryland, at a cost of approximately three hun-
dred and fifty thousand ($350, 000. 00) dollars, and the pur-
chase of a site for and the erection, completion and equipment
of a new High School building at Boonsboro, Washington
County, Maryland, at a cost of approximately seventy-five thou-
sand ($75, 000. 00) dollars; and the erection, completion and
equipment of a new public school building at Williamsport,
Washington County, Maryland, at a cost of approximately
thirty-five thousand ($35, 000. 00) dollars; and the erection,
completion and equipment of a new public school building at
Chewsville, Washington County, Maryland, at a cost of ap-
proximately twenty thousand ($20, 000. 00) dollars; and the
purchase of land for a site for and the erection, completion and
equipment of a public school building at White Oak Forest,
Washington County, Maryland, at a cost of approximately ten
thousand ($10, 000. 00) dollars; and the remodeling, erection,
completion and equipment of a public school building at Clear-
spring, Washington County, Maryland, at a cost of approxi-
mately thirty thousand ($30, 000. 00) dollars; and the remodel-
ing and repairing of the public school building known as the
Winter Street School, in Hagerstown, Washington County,
Maryland, at a cost of approximately fifteen thousand ($15, -
000. 00) dollars; and the remodeling, building of an addition to,
erection, completion and equipment of a public school for
colored children in Hagerstown, Washington County, Mary-
land, at a cost of approximately twenty-five thousand ($25, -
000. 00) dollars; and the purchase of land for a site for and
the erection, completion and equipment of a public school at
Highfield, Washington County, Maryland, at a cost of approxi-
mately twenty thousand ($20, 000. 00) dollars; and the remodel-
ing, erection, repairing, completion and equipment of an addi-
tion to the public school at Halfway, Washington County,
Maryland, at a cost of approximately twelve thousand ($12, -
000. 00) dollars; and the purchase of a site for and the erection,
completion and equipment of a public school at Reid, Wash-
ington County, Maryland, at a cost of approximately eight
thousand ($8, 000. 00) dollars; and the erection or repair of
other school buildings in Washington County at such place or
places as the Board of Education may deem most necessary.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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