maintaining yards used for the sale, storage or handling of coal
or coke in said county, shall maintain scales of suitable capac-
ity within or adjacent to said yards. Any violation of the pro-
visions of this section shall be a misdemeanor and shall be pun-
ishable by a fine of not more than $10. 00 for each and every
day that said violation shall continue.
38B. Every person, firm or corporation dealing in or sell-
ing mineral coal or coke within Howard County shall cause all
coal or coke so sold to be weighed upon the scales maintained
in accordance with the provisions of the preceding section.
Any violation of the provisions of this section shall be a mis-
demeanor and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding
$25. 00 for each and every cart, wagon or other load of said
coal or coke sold without such weighing.
38C. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff, the Deputy Sher-
iffs, constables, and other police officers of Howard County on
demand of the purchaser made prior to the unloading of the
cart, wagon or other vehicle in which coal or coke is delivered
to said purchaser, or whenever such sheriff, deputy sheriff,
constable or other police officer has reason to believe that any
cart, wagon or other vehicle containing coal or coke contains a
less weight than that stated upon the card or ticket hereinafter
in the next succeeding section provided for, to take such cart,
wagon or other vehicle to the nearest or most convenient State,
city or available private or public scale and have it weighed;
and it shall be the duty of the party so weighing to give a writ-
ten certificate of the weight. No additional charge shall be
made for hauling coal or coke to any scales to be weighed. Any
violation of the provisions of this section and any refusal of
any driver or owner of any cart, wagon or other vehicle to take
such cart or other vehicle to such scales to be weighed as afore-
said, and any delivery or attempt to deliver a weight of coal
or coke less than that indicated upon the face of the card or
ticket hereinafter in the next succeeding section provided for
shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by a fine not
exceeding the sum of $50. 00 for each and every offense: pro-
vided, however, that in all weighings made under the provi-
sions of this section, three per centum of net weight shall be
allowed for variation of scales, and provided further that when-
ever such weighing is made upon a private scale, and said
load is found to be under weight, the seller of such coal or coke
shall be notified before said load is dumped, and shall have the
right to demand that said coal or coke shall be reweighed upon
a State or city scale.