so summoned; for every oath or affidavit, ten cents; for each
hearing or trial, one dollar; for every commitment, twenty-
five cents; for every release, twenty-five cents; for taking
recognizances, in each case reported to the Circuit Court, twen-
ty-five cents; for taking recognizances in each case for hear-
ing or trial before a justice of the peace, twenty-five cents;
for taking recognizances of all witnesses in any one case,
twenty-five cents each; provided that no recognizance for the
appearance of any witnesses shall be taken unless the justice
of the peace be satisfied that the same is absolutely necessary
to secure the ends of justice and the attendance of such wit-
nesses; for each attachment for contempt, twenty-five cents;
and that no justice of the peace other than the justices selected to
sit as committing magistrates at Catonsville, Fullerton, Pikes-
ville, Towson, Dundalk, Essex, and Halethorpe, shall be enti-
tled to receive from said County Commissioners more than ten
dollars as fees for his services in criminal cases in any one
month. And the justice of the peace so selected to sit at Tow-
son shall receive from the County Commissioners the sum of
one hundred dollars per month and ten dollars for his office
expenses, which sum of money shall be paid to him by the
Treasurer of Baltimore County on the order of the County
Commissioners, at the end of each month, for his said serv-
ices, and that the justice of the peace so selected to sit at
Pikesville in the Third Election District of Baltimore County
shall receive from the County Commissioners the sum of sev-
enty-five dollars per month, said sum to be paid in the same
manner as the compensation of the committing magistrate at
Towson is paid, and the justice so selected to sit at the station
house at Dundalk shall receive in the same manner seventy-
five dollars per month, and the justice so selected to sit at the
station house at Catonsville shall receive in the same-manner
seventy-five dollars per month, and the justice so selected to
sit at the station house at Essex shall receive in the same man-
ner one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month, and the
justice so selected to sit at the station house at Fullerton shall
receive in the same manner one hundred dollars per month,
and the justice so selected to sit at the station house at Hale-
thorpe shall receive in the same manner sixty dollars per
month, and no justice of the peace selected as committing
magistrate shall be permitted to charge any fees in criminal
cases or for the discharge of any duty required of him by law
as such committing magistrate except for the use of the County
Commissioners of Baltimore County; provided that such mag-