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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 724   View pdf image (33K)
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AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments sub-section 3
of Section 63 of Article 101 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland. Bagby's Edition, title, "Workmen's Compensa-
tion, " so as to extend the application of workmen's compen-

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That sub-section 3 of Section 63 of Article 101 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland, Bagby's Edition, title, ''Work
men's Compensation, " be and the same is hereby repealed and
re-enacted, with amendments, so as to read as follows:

3. "Employee" means a person who is engaged in an extra-
hazardous employment in the service of an employer, carrying
on or conducting the same upon the premises or at a plant, or
in the course of his employment away from the plant of his em-
ployer, and shall not include farm laborers. "Farm Laborers, "
as used in this Act, shall mean any employes who, at the time
of the accident, are engaged in rendering any agricultural serv-
ice, including the threshing or harvesting of crops, or who, at
the time of the accident, are engaged in service incidental to
and in connection with agricultural pursuits or developments,
whether the employer be the farmer or other person undertak-
ing or contracting with the farmer to perform any such agri-
cultural service, pursuit or development. This Act shall not
apply to farm laborers, domestic servants, nor to country black-
smiths, wheelwrights or similar rural employments, unless
these employments elect to come under this Act as provided in
Section 33, nor in any case where the accident occurred before
this Act takes effect, nor to casual employes or any employes
who are employed wholly without the State. But for all pur-
poses of this Article casual, occasional or incidental employ-
ment outside of this State by the Maryland employer of an
employe or employes regularly employed by said employer
within this State shall be construed to be employment within
this State; provided, however, if an employe or the depend-
ents of an employe shall receive compensation or damages
under the laws of any other State, nothing herein contained
shall be construed so as to permit a total compensation for the
same injury greater than is provided for in this Act.

Approved April 9, 1924.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 724   View pdf image (33K)
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