AN ACT to amend Chapter 276 of the Acts of the Legislature
of Maryland, passed at the Session of 1858, the same being
an Act "To incorporate the Maryland Mutual Life and Fire
Insurance Company, " as amended by the Act of the Legis-
lature of Maryland of the Session of 1870, Chapter 33,
changing the name of said company to the Mutual Life
Insurance Company of Baltimore, as amended by the Acts
of 1888, Chapter 152, and by the Acts of 1898, Chapter
408, and by the Acts of 1902, "Chapter 218, and by the Acts
of 1916, Chapter 364.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 15 of Chapter 276 of the Acts of 1858, en-
titled "An Act to incorporate the Maryland Mutual Life and
Fire Insurance Company, " as amended by the Act of the
Legislature of Maryland of the Session of 870, Chapter 33,
changing the name of said company to the Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company of Baltimore, as amended by the Acts of 1888,
Chapter 152, " and by the Acts of 1898, Chapter 408, and by
the Acts of 1902, Chapter 218, and by the Acts of 1916,
Chapter 364, be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, to read as follows:
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the com-
pany from issuing policies for limited terms of years on lives,
with or without a participation in the profits of said company,
nor to prevent the issuing of policies for a larger amount than
five thousand dollars, when the accumulated premiums shall
have reached the sum of two hundred thousand dollars.
Approved April 9. 1924.
AN ACT legalizing the Annotated Code of Maryland, Edition
of 1924, edited by George P. Bagby, and making it evi-
dence of the law.
WHEREAS, A new edition, to be known as the edition of
1924, of the Annotated Code of Maryland, has been prepared
by George P. Bagby and is now ready for publication; and
WHEREAS, The said new edition includes all of the statutes
still in force contained in the original edition of the Anno-
tated Code legalized and made evidence of the law by the Act