of a road and bridges to make the Eastern Shore of Mary-
land more accessible to Baltimore City, to be known as the
Baltimore-Eastern Shore Ferry Boulevard, and providing
generally for the issue and sale of certificates of indebtedness
evidencing such loan.
( Vetoed. ).
AN ACT to create and establish a State Institution, to be known
as the Allendale State Training School, to receive and train
imbecile, idiotic and feeble-minded colored persons, and to
authorize the creation of a State debt in the aggregate
amount of one hundred thousand ($100, 000) dollars, the
proceeds thereof to bo used for the purchase of land and the
erection of buildings thereon for said institution, and pro-
viding generally for the issue and sale of certificates of in-
debtedness evidencing such loan.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to add a new sub-section to Section 24 of Article 75
of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, title
"Pleadings, Practice and Process at Law, " sub-title "Forms
of Pleadings, " to be known as Sub-section 109 of Section 24
of Article 75, and to follow Sub-section 108, relating to the
admission of ownership of motor vehicles,, when not denied
in the next succeeding pleading.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That a new sub-section be added to Section 24 of Article
75 title "Pleadings, Practice and Process at Law, " sub-title
"Forms of Pleadings, " to be known as Sub-section 109, and to
follow Sub-section 108 of Section 24 of Article 75, of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland, and to read as follows:
109.. Whenever the ownership of any motor vehicle is al-
leged in the pleadings in any action or matter at law, the same
shall be admitted for the purpose of said action or matter, un-
less the ownership shall be denied by the next succeeding plead-
ing of the opposite party or parties.
Approved April 9, 1924.