AN ACT to provide for the payment of a pension to Frederick
Ehlers by the Police Commissioner for the City of Balti-
more out of the Special Fund.
(Vetoed. )
AN ACT to repeal Section 241F of Article 22 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Washington County, "
sub-title "Hancock, " and to repeal and re-enact with amend-
ments Sections 230, 231 and 241J of said Article, fixing
the compensation of the Burgess and certain officers, and re-
lating to the powers of the Burgess and Commissioners to
provide by ordinance for the closing, opening and paving of
streets, and making other changed in the charter of the town
of Hancock.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 241F of Article 22 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title ''Washington County, " sub-title
"Hancock, " be and it is hereby repealed, and that Sections 230,
231 and 241J of said Article, be and they are hereby repealed
and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows:
230. The Burgess, by virtue of his office shall see that the
ordinances of the town are faithfully executed and shall report
to the Commissioners at its first meeting after each annual elec-
tion the condition of the municipal affairs; the Burgess shall
issue all licenses provided by the ordinances of the Burgess
and Commissioners, and pay over the same to the Treasurer at
such times as may be provided by ordinance of the Burgees
and Commissioners.
231. The Burgess, assistant Burgess and Commissioner
shall each qualify as such before a Justice of the Peace or a
Notary Public, for Washington County, making oath that they
will discharge the duties of their respective offices, according
to the best of their skill and judgment, without fear, favor or
partiality to any person; a copy of which oath, with a certificate
of the Justice of the Peace or Notary Public administering the
same, shall be entered upon the Journal of the Corporation,
and for their respective services shall each receive three dollars
for each and every regular monthly meeting attended by them,