new section to follow immediately after Section 53, and to be
known as Section 53A and to read as follows:
Section 53A. No liability insurance policy issued in this
State shall contain any requirement for the payment of liabil-
ity or loss under the policy, by the assured, but all such poli-
cies shall provide in substance that the bankruptcy or insolv-
ency of the assured shall not release the insurer from liability:
that if an execution upon any final judgment against the as-
sured is returned unsatisfied, in whole or in part, in an action
brought by the injured or by another person claiming: by,
through, or under the injured, then an action may be main-
tained by the injured, or by such other person against the com-
pany under the terms of the policy for the amount of any judg-
ment recovered in such action, not exceeding the amount of the
policy, and every such policy shall be construed to so provide.
anything in such policy to the contrary notwithstanding.
Approved April 9. 1924.
AN ACT to exempt from State, county and municipal taxation
as long, as it is used for charitable purposes, the real and
personal property now owned or hereafter to be acquired
by the Grand Lodge of Maryland of the Independent Order
of Odd Fellows, a body corporate of the State of Maryland,
said property situated and located North of Frederick City
in Frederick County, Maryland, and known as "The Odd
Fellows Home. "
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the real and personal property, now owned or here-
after acquired by The Grand Lodge of Maryland of the Inde-
pendent Order of Odd Fellows, a body corporate of the State
of Maryland, located north of Frederick City, in Frederick
County. Maryland, and known as "The Odd Fellows Home, "
a charity of the order caring for and maintaining orphan chil-
dren and helpless and aged poor, be and the same is hereby
exempt from the payment of State, county and municipal
taxes: provided, however, that said property shall only be ex-
empt from such taxation so long as it is used for charitable
SEC. 2. And be. it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924.