and for not more than 12 special meetings attended by them,
and no other fee or compensation whatever.
241J. The Burgess and Commissioners shall have power to
provide for the laying out, opening, extending, widening,
straightening or closing up, in whole or in part, any street,
highway, square, lane, alley, sewer, sanitary sewer, drain or
watercourse within the bounds of said town which in their
opinion public convenience may require.
The Burgess and Commissioners shall have and are vested
with full power and authority to provide by ordinance for the
grading, macadamizing, paving, concreting, curbing or for re-
grading, remacadamizing, repaving, reconcreting, recurbing
of any street, lane or alley in Hancock, or any part thereof,
now condemned, ceded or opened as a public highway, or which
may hereafter be condemned, ceded, widened, straightened or
altered according to the laws and ordinances regulating same,
and also for assessing of costs of any such work in whole or in
part pro-rata upon the property, binding on such street, lane
or alley or part thereof, and for collecting such assessments as
other taxes are collected.
The said Burgess and Commissioners shall also have and are
vested with power and authority to provide by general ordi-
nance for the grading, macadamizing, paving or curbing, or
for the regrading, remacadamizing, repaving or recurbing of
any street, lane or alley or part thereof in Hancock, without
the passage of a special ordinance in the particular case, when-
ever the owners of a majority of the front feet of property
binding en such street, lane or alley, or part thereof shall ap-
ply for the same upon terms and under conditions to be pre-
scribed in said general ordinance and for the assessment in any
such case, of the cost of such Work, in whole, or in part pro
rata, upon all the property binding upon such street, lane or
alley, or part thereof and for the collection of such assessment
as other town taxes are collected.
All such assessments against any lot or parcel of ground, (or
the owner thereof) shall be a lien against said lot or parcel of
ground from the time the Burgess and Commissioners shall
finally order the opening, widening, extending, straightening or
closing up of any street, highway, lane or alley, square, sewer,
sanitary sewer, drain or watercourse as the case may be, and it-
shall be the duty of the Clerk or Secretary of the Burgess and
Commissioners to certify under his hand and seal of the Cor-
poration, to the Tax Collector, the amount assessed against any