whole of said district. Said Commission may in its discretion
purchase and cancel the present outstanding bonds issued by
authority of Chapter 313 of the Acts of 1916 out of the funds
derived from any issue of bonds under this Act.
Section 8. That said Commission for the purpose of assess-
ing benefits for the construction of water supply and sewerage
systems, shall divide all properties binding upon a street, road,
lane, alley or right of way, in which a water pipe or sanitary
sewer is to be laid, into four classes, namely, agricultural,
small acreage, industrial or business, and subdivision prop-
erty. Immediately upon the commencement of a water sup-
ply or sewerage project in any district, as defined by said
Commission under the provisions of Section 4, the Commis-
sion is empowered and directed to fix and levy a benefit charge
upon all property in that district abutting upon said water
main or sewer, in accordance with the classification, and shall
in writing notify all owners of said properties into which
class their respective properties fall and the charge deter-
mined upon, naming also in said notice a time and place
when and at which said owners will be heard. Such notice
may be mailed to the last known address of the owner, or
served in person upon any adult occupying the premises, or
in the case of vacant or unimproved property, posted upon the
premises. The classification of and benefit assessed against
any property as made by the Commission shall be final, sub-
ject only to revision at said hearing. The Commission may
change the classification of properties from time to time as
said properties change in the uses to which they are put.
Said benefits shall be levied for both water supply and sewer-
age construction and shall be based for each class of property
upon the number of front feet abutting upon the street, lane,
road, alley or right of way in which the water pipe or sewer
is placed.
Provided, however, that in case of any irregular shaped
lot having a frontage on two or more streets and abutting
upon a road, street, lane, alley or right of way in which there
is or is being constructed a water main or sewer at any point
of said frontage shall be assessed for such frontage as the
Commission may determine to be reasonable and fair, and
that any irregular shaped lot having only one frontage may
be assessed for such frontage as the Commission may deter-
mine to be reasonable and fair: and provided, further, that no
lot in a subdivision or business classification shall be assessed