on more than one side: that corner lots in these classes shall be
assessed on that frontage towards which the building should
naturally face; that lots running through with front and rear
on separate streets may be assessed on both front and rear, and
that all lots in these classes shall be assessed for their full front-
age even though a water main or sewer may not extend along
the full length of any boundary; and provided, further, that
no land so classed as agricultural by this Commission, when in
actual use for farming or trucking purposes, shall be assessed a
front-foot benefit when such agricultural land has constructed
through it or in front of it a sewer or water main, until such
time as a water or sewer connection is made, and when so made
and for every connection such hind shall become liable to a front-
foot assessment for such reasonable frontage, not exceeding
three hundred feet front, as may be determined by said Com-
mission, and shall be immediately assessed at the rate of assess-
ment determined upon by said Commission for agricultural
land. Front-foot benefit charges for water supply and sewer
construction shall be uniform for each class of property
throughout the District defined by the Commission under Sec-
tion 4, for any one year: provided, however, that whenever the
Commission acquires an existing system, other than a munici-
pal system, the construction cost of which lias been added in
whole or in part to the purchase of land or lots abutting upon
said system and which contribution the Commission has deter-
mined to be a factor in the cost to the Commission of such
system, the Commission may, in its discretion, levy a front-
foot assessment less than the uniform front-foot assessment
levied in the remainder of the sub-district in which said sys-
tem is located. The amount of the charge per front foot for
each class of property for both water main and sewer shall be
determined from time to time by the Commission as costs and
conditions require. Said benefit charge shall be paid annu-
ally beginning in the year such construction is begun by all
properties located as above specified, for a period of years co-
extensive with the period of maturity of the bonds out of the
proceeds of which such construction was done; provided, how-
ever, that any property owner may, at his option, within one
year from the time said front-foot assessment or benefit charge
is levied extinguish the same by the payment in cash, in one
sum. of the proportion of the estimated cost of the project of
which the construction abutting upon his property is a part,
represented by the number of front feet which he is assessed,
with interest at the rate of six per centum per annum from