pointed; as the term of each of the commissioners now serving
expires, their successors shall be appointed by the Board of
County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County.
The commissioners shall elect one of its members chairman,
and shall appoint, discharge at pleasure and fix the compensa-
tion of a secretary-treasurer; and shall with the approval of
the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County, appoint,
discharge and fix the compensation of a chief engineer, and
such engineering, legal, clerical and other office force and help,
as from time to time in its judgment may be deemed necessary
to carry out the provisions of this Act; and the County Road
Engineer of Anne Arundel County shall be eligible to serve as
chief engineer at a reasonable compensation. The said com-
missioners shall serve without compensation. The secretary-
treasurer appointed by the commission shall be the collector of
all charges and assessments made by said sanitary commission,
and shall receive and account for all moneys which shall be due
and payable to said sanitary commission from any source what-
The person appointed by the sanitary commission as secre-
tary-treasurer shall give bond to the State of Maryland to the
amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, with good and suffi-
cient surety to be approved by the chairman of the said sani-
tary commission with the condition that the above bound......
shall well and faithfully execute his office and shall account
for to the said commission the several moneys which he shall
receive on account of said commission, or be answerable for by
law at such time as the law shall direct, then the said obliga-
tion to be void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and
effect; and the said said when approved shall be recorded in
the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel
County; and the person so appointed, before entering upon
the duties of his office, shall take an oath before the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for said county, in form similar to that
taken by collectors of taxes, except as to title of office. All
checks issued on account of said commission shall be counter-
signed by the chairman.
The said commission shall semi-annually make a report to
the County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County, of all
work it has accomplished, and a full, true and itemized account
of its receipts, expenses and expenditures under oath; but
prior to the submission of their report to the County Commis-
sioners the account shall be fully audited by a certified account-
ant, to be employed and paid by said commission.