County, to issue summons for witnesses to testify before him,
the said State's Attorney, as to any matter relating to crime
committed in Anne Arundel County; such summons shall be
directed to the sheriff of the county, who is authorized and re-
quired to serve such process in like manner as if the same
issued directly from a court of law; witnesses summoned and
testifying before the State's Attorney, may be allowed a fee,
not to exceed the per diem allowed witnesses in equity cases.
SEC 337b. That when any person is summoned to testify
before the State's Attorney, and shall refuse or neglect to obey
the said summons, the State's Attorney may apply to the
Court, who shall forthwith issue an attachment directed to the
sheriff against the person named, compelling such witnesses
to attend and testify before the State's Attorney, returnable
on such day as may be named in said attachment.
SEC. 337c. That authority be vested in the State's Attor-
ney to take the testimony of any witness before him, whether
summoned or otherwise, under oath, to be administered by the
State's Attorney in the same form and manner, and in all
respects to have the same effect as witnesses are obligated in
courts of law.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from the first day of June, nineteen hundred and twenty-
Approved April 4, 1924.
AN ACT to repeal Section 12 of Chapter 656 of the Acts of the-
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the General Ses-
sion of 1904, entitled '' An Act to repeal Chapter 619 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland passed at the
January Session 1900, and to repeal Chapter 334 of the
Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland passed at the
January Session 1902, entitled 'An Act providing for the
election of a County Treasurer for Talbot County, ' and
defining the duties and powers of said Treasurer, " and to
re-enact the same with amendments.
(Vetoed. )