within the fifteen days and such protest shall be heard and
considered by the Board at its first meeting after such pro-
test is filed, and if no cause, or insufficient cause is shown
by such owner, then the Commissioners shall proceed to make
or have made the said improvement by passing an order that
the improvement shall be made, a copy of which order shall
be left with the said owner of the property, the order shall
require the said improvement to be made and finished within
thirty days from the date of service thereof, and should the
said owner fail or neglect to make the said improvement with-
in the said period of thirty days, then the Commissioners shall
proceed to have the same made in manner following:
They shall first secure measurements of the work to be done.
They shall next advertise for bids to do the work, the adver-
tisement to be given reasonable publication in a newspaper
published in Cambridge, giving notice of the place to be im-
proved, the extent of the improvement, the kind, class or type
of improvement, the amount, quality and quantity of the ma-
terial to be used and any other necessary specifications of the
work, inviting sealed bids to do the same to be filed with
the Commissioners at a time named in the advertisement.
Upon the opening and consideration of the bids for the work,
the Commissioners may accept any bid, or, if they think all
of the bids are too high, the Commissioners may reject them
all, and have the work done under their direction.
The cost of such improvement shall, as soon as the improve-
ment is finished, then become a lien upon the land and prop-
erty in front of which or binding upon which the said improve-
ment has been made, and the said lien shall be of the same na-
ture as the lien upon all property within the corporate lim-
its of Cambridge of City taxes, required by law to be levied
by the Commissioners in the month of July of each year.
After the said improvement is finished, a statement of the
cost thereof and the amount of the lien therefor, as aforesaid,
shall be served upon the said owner or owners, requiring the
same to be paid within four months from the date of the serv-
ice of the said notice, and should such owner feel aggrieved
at the cost of the said improvement or the said order requir-
ing the same to be made, such owner shall have the right to ap-
peal from the said assessment of the said lien, and the said or-
ders, at any time within the said four months, to the Circuit
Court for Dorchester County the said appeal to be heard and
determined by the said Court as in the same manner as Civil