SEC. 71. The Commissioners shall have the sidewalks and
gutters of any street, lane, public alley or public thoroughfare
within the corporate limits of the City of Cambridge paved or
repaved, with such materials and in such manner as they, in
their discretion, may think right and proper
Whenever they shall deem it expedient, right and requisite
that any such sidewalk or gutter of any such public thorough-
fare should be paved, repaved or repaired wholly or in part,
they shall:
Notify the owner. or owners of the land and property in front
of which or adjoining which the improvement is to be made, by
leaving a written notice with, or serving it upon, the owner or
owners of such property, in person, and with or upon one
owner where there are several owners of the same piece of
property, and the leaving or serving of the notice upon one of
such owners shall be sufficient, to bind all of the owners and the
service of the notice may be done by any official of the city,
any notice shall be in duplicate, one copy to be left with the
owner of the property, and the other copy with the return,
by the officer, endorsed thereon, shall be returned to and filed
with the Clerk of the Commissioners, who shall safely keep
the same as part of the records of his office and of the records
of the Commissioners of Cambridge.
The notice shall contain a statement that the Commissioners
deem it just, right and expedient, and for the promotion of
the welfare of the city, that the sidewalk or gutter, either or
both, as the case may be, shall be paved or repaved as the case
may be, in front of or binding upon the property of owner or
owners to whom the notice is given, briefly describing the
property, as to its location with reference to such sidewalk or
gutter to be improved, the said notice to state the width and
length of the proposed improvement and such other description
of the work to be done as shall be reasonable and proper, to
identify the same and the kind, quality and character of ma-
terial to be used.
The said notice shall state that the said owner or owners
shall show cause, if any they have, why the said improvement
should not be made, to the Commissioners within fifteen days
from the date of the service of the said notice, any owner upon
whom the said notice shall be served, shall be heard at any
meeting of the Board of Commissioners held within the said
fifteen days, or such owner may make protest to the Clerk