as hereinbefore provided, and he shall report to the County
Commissioners, at their first regular meeting in each month,
the amount of taxes, State and County, separately collected
by him up to the date of such report and the amounts of dis-
bursements made, and the balance in hand, and he shall de-
posit at least once a week in any of the six banks in Queen
Anne's County, all taxes received or collected by him up to the
date of such deposits, the portion due to the State to his credit
as collector of State taxes for said County, and the portion due
to the County to his credit as treasurer of said County; and he
shall once a month, at least from and after the first day of Octo-
ber in each year while in office, deliver to the County Commis-
sioners, to be forwarded to the State Treasurer, his checks for
the amount of State taxes to his credit in said banks, and the
money deposited to him as Treasurer of "Queen Anne's
County, " shall only be drawn out upon his checks as such
Treasurer, on warrants issued by the Board of County Commis-
sioners, drawn on him in payment of debts, demands and ac-
counts, due by said county, duly approved and passed by said
County Commissioners, and whenever said deposits shall exceed
fifteen thousand dollars the surplus shall be deposited among
the remaining banks of the county, as far as practicable, equal,
provided, however, that the Treasurer may require any of the
said banks to give a bond as security prior to the making of any
deposit, and any taxpayer having a sum of money levied to his
or her use, or a debt against the county, passed by said County
Commissioners, and for which they have issued their warrant
as aforesaid, shall only be entitled to have same paid after he
or she has paid the State or County taxes upon his or her prop-
erty and is not indebted in anywise therefor.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1924.
Approved April 9, 1924.
AN ACT to authorize, empower and direct the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Mt. Airy, a municipal corporation, to provide for the
extension, alteration, maintenance and operation of its water
supply system; to provide for the issuance of bonds for the
purpose of such extension, alteration, maintenance and oper-
ation and the levy of taxes, assessments and benefits, charges
and rates, for the payment of such bonds and the operation.