maintenance, regulation and control of said system; to pro-
vide for the right to purchase and condemn property, and
for other purposes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy be, and it is
hereby authorized, empowered and directed to build and con-
struct extensions and alterations to its water supply system for
the town of Mt. Airy in Carroll and Frederick Counties, State
of Maryland, to be constructed within and outside of said town,
and to run and operate the same for municipal and commercial
purposes: and for the purposes of this Act to acquire, by pur-
chase or condemnation, whatever property or rights-of-way
within or outside of the corporate limits of said town of Mt.
Airy it may deem necessary and proper; and for doing what-
ever work and employing whatever help is necessary therefor:
the said Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy are authorized, empow-
ered and directed to borrow on the faith and credit of said town,
not to exceed in the aggregate, the sum of Fifteen Thousand
Dollars,, and to issue bonds therefor to be known as the "Mt.
Airy Water Bonds, '' said bonds to be signed by the Mayor and
countersigned by the Clerk to the Mayor and Council of Mt.
Airy, with the corporate seal of said town affixed thereto.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That whenever it shall
be deemed necessary by the Mayor and Council of Mt. Airy to
take or acquire any land, structures or buildings, or any stream
bed, water way, water rights or water shed, either in fee or as
an easement, within or without the town of Mt. Airy, for the
construction, extension or maintenance of any water main or
appurtenance thereof, or for any reservoir, water purification
plant, tank or pumping station, the Mayor and Council may
purchase the same from the owners, or falling to agree with the
owner or owners thereof, may condemn the same by proceedings
in the Circuit Court for Carroll or Frederick County as now
provided for condemnation of land by public service corpora-
tions in the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland, and
said Mayor and Council may likewise condemn the interest of
any tenant, lessee or other person having an interest in said
land, structures or buildings, stream bed, water way, water
rights or water shed. Any time after ten days from the return
of the verdict or award in said proceedings and judgment
thereon, the said Mayor and Council may enter and take pos-
session of the property so condemned, upon first paying to the
Clerk of the Court the amount of said award and all costs taxed