Station at Forest Glen, known as the Kensington-Forest
Glen road, on the condition that the property owners donate
without cost to the County and in such form and upon such
conditions as the County Commissioners may prescribe the
property needed in changing the curves and widening the said
road. If the said property owners, on or before May 15, 1924,
fail or refuse to donate the property necessary for these pur-
poses, then and in that event this Act shall become null and
void as to the above-mentioned road and bonds to the extent
of twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($22, 500) shall
not be issued.
(2) Two thousand five hundred dollars ($2, 500) shall be
used for the permanent improvement of a part of the road
leading from the Kensington-Wheaton road. to Rockville, known
as Vier's Mill road, upon the condition that the property owners
shall donate the sum of five hundred dollars ($500) to old
in making said improvements, making a total of three thous-
and dollars ($3, 000) for improving said road. If, on or be-
fore May 15, 1924, the said property owners have not agreed
in writing upon such terms as the County Commissioners may
prescribe to make said donation of five hundred dollars ($500),
then and in that event this Act shall become null and void as
to the above mentioned road, and bonds to the extend of two
thousand five hundred dollars ($2, 500) shall not be issued.
(3) Two thousand five hundred dollars ($2, 500) shall be
used for the permanent improvement of a part of the road
leading from Swart's Corner on the Wheaton-Four Corners'
Road to the Kemp Mill-Colesville road, upon the condition that
the property owners shall donate the sum of five hundred dol-
lars ($500) to aid in making said improvements, making a
total of three thousand dollars ($3, 000) for improving said
road. If, on or before May 15, 1924, the said property owners
have not agreed in Writing upon such terms as the County
Commissioners may prescribe to make said donation of five
hundred dollars ($500) then and in that event this Act shall be-
come null and void as to the above-mentioned road and bonds to
the extent of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2, 500) shall
not be issued.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this Act is here-
by declared to be an emergency law and necessary for the im-
mediate preservation of the public safety, and being passed up-
on a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of all the mem-