gomery County, in the Thirteenth Election District of said
County, for the payment of said bonds and interest coupons
thereon, for the purpose of improving certain roads in said
Thirteenth Election District.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
are hereby authorized and directed to borrow on the credit of
said County a sum of money not to exceed twenty-seven thous-
and five hundred dollars ($27, 500), and to issue coupon bonds
in such sums as the County Commissioners may direct, said
bonds to bear interest from the date of the issue thereof, at a
rate of not more than five per centum per annum, payable semi-
annually, and which said interest to the maturity of each of
said bonds shall be provided for and set forth in the coupons
attached to each of said bonds, respectively, for the interest
due and payable thereon; and shall be so issued that one
thousand dollars ($1, 000) thereof shall mature and be payable
one year from date of issue, and one thousand dollars ($1, 000)
annually thereafter until all of said bonds shall mature and
be paid; and said bonds shall have printed on them a dis-
tinct reference to this Act authorizing their issue.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the County Com--
missioners shall cause to be levied and. collected on the as~
sessable property of the Thirteenth Election District an ad-
ditional tax annually sufficient to pay the said bonds and in-
terest or coupons as they severally mature, as the County Com-
missioners shall by resolution provide for the series and de-
nomination of said bonds and coupons thereon; and the said
special tax or levy shall be a lien upon the taxable property
of said Thirteenth Election District of said County and upon
the taxable property of said County, and the said tax shall
be collected in each and every year, as other taxes in said
County are collected, and when collected shall be applied, as
herein provided, to the payment of said bonds as they sever-
ally mature and the interest thereon semi-annually, and shall
be non-contestable for any cause whatsoever; and the said
bonds shall be cancelled when redeemed.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the proceeds from
the sale of said bonds shall be used for the following purposes:
(1) Twenty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($22, 500)
shall be used for reducing or modifying the curves and
widening and resurfacing the macadam on the road lead-
ing from St. Paul street, Kensington, to the Electric Car