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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 253   View pdf image (33K)
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bills and advertisements, and display of goods, wares and mer-

To regulate and prohibit the exhibition or carrying of ban-
ners, placards, advertisements or handbills on the streets, alleys
or public places.

To regulate all traffic within the limits of said city, including
trains at grade crossings, and to prohibit interference with or
injury to traffic signs and all other city property.

To require the owners or occupants of buildings to remove the
snow and ice from cornices and other projections on said build-

To regulate and prevent the flying of flags, banners or signs
across the streets or from houses.

To regulate the numbering of houses and lots and compel own-
ers to renumber the same, or in default thereof, to authorize and
require the same to be done by such person as the Council may

appoint, at the owner's expense, such expense to constitute a lien
upon the property and enforceable as provided in the ordinance.

To regulate the making of private connection with sewer, gas
and water pipes, and to compel the owners of property to bring
such connection inside of the curb of streets before permanent
improvements thereof, and in default of the owners making such
connections, to authorize the city to do so at the owner's expense
and to make such expense a lien upon the property.

To remove all nuisances and obstructions from the streets,
lanes and alleys and from any lots adjoining thereto, or any
other places within the limits of the city.

To cause the streets, lanes and alleys to be sidewalked, paved,
graded, repaired, repaved, regraded, drained or sewered, or to
close streets or parts of streets, lanes or alleys.

To regulate, license, tax, restrain and prohibit theatres, moving-
picture houses, theatrical and all other exhibitions, shows or en-
tertainments for which money is demanded or received; provid-
ed, that lectures on scientific, historic, benevolent, artistic, relig-
ious or literary subjects and apparatus for the elucidation of the
same and specimens of fine art shall not be deemed to be within
the provision.

To license, tax, regulate and prohibit runners at railroad sta-
tions and others for stages, cars, public houses or other things
or persons.

To regulate the sale of all kinds of property at auction in the
streets, stores, shops or elsewhere in the city, and to license auc-
tioneers and all vendors of property on the streets or squares or
other public places in said city.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 253   View pdf image (33K)
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