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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)
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electric current to be shut off from the same until such repairs
are made.

To regulate and prohibit the keeping of any lumber yard and
the placing or piling of any lumber, wood or other combustible
material within the fire limits.

To suppress, restrain and regulate bawdy houses, disorderly
houses and houses of ill-fame and to prohibit the youth of said
city from being on the streets, lanes or alleys at unreasonable
hours of the night.

To restrain and prohibit gaming.

To punish and suppress tramps and vagrants by imposing
fines or both fines and imprisonment at hard labor, and to abate
by appropriate ordinances all nuisances in said city which are
so defined by common law, whether the same are herein specifi-
cally named or not.

To prevent immoderate or careless riding or driving.

To regulate the use of streets and alleys by vehicles, and desig-
nate the kind of conveyances and vehicles which may not use
designated streets, which have been improved, together with
hours for the use of such streets by certain specified classes of

To prevent the encumbering of streets, alleys, squares, side-
walks and crossings with vehicles, horses or any substance or
material interfering with the free use of the same.

To regulate the speed of horses, wheeled vehicles, cars, loco-
motives and all other vehicles.

To regulate and protect all bridges, culverts, tunnels, via-
ducts, aqueducts, sewers, canals and hydrants wholly or partly
in said city, and to prohibit digging in such streets, alleys or
public places, or in any way injuring, disturbing or making
holes in the surface thereof.

To regulate the use of sidewalks and all structures in, under
or above the same, and to require the owner or occupant of
premises to keep the sidewalks in front of the same free from
snow and other obstructions, and prescribe hours for cleaning
the same.

To regulate and prevent the throwing or depositing of sweep-
ings, dust, ashes, offal, dirt, garbage, paper, handbills, dirty
liquids or any other material into any street, alley or public

To regulate and prevent the use of streets, sidewalks and pub-
lic places for signs, sign posts, awnings, awning posts, poles,
horse troughs, steps, railings, entrances, racks, posting hand-


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)
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