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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 254   View pdf image (33K)
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To license, tax, regulate, suppress and prohibit hawkers and
itinerant dealers, peddlers, pawnbrokers and all other persons
selling any articles on the streets of said city, and to revoke such
license at pleasure.

To license, tax and regulate public hackmen, taxicabmen, om-
nibus drivers, carters, cabmen, porters, expressmen, bill posters,
and all other persons pursuing like occupations and to prescribe
their compensation.

To license, tax and regulate all inns, taverns, dance halls, pool
rooms, soda fountains, pool tables, bowling alleys, places where
soft drinks are disposed of, livery or sale stables, hotels, restau-
rants, lunch rooms, or other places used or kept for public enter-
tainment, and in the discretion of said Mayor and City Coun-
cil to refuse to grant any such license and to revoke any such
license when granted.

To license, tax and regulate second-hand and junk stores, and
to forbid their purchasing or receiving from minors any articles
whatever without consent of their parents or guardians.

To license, tax, regulate and prohibit the keeping or harbor-
ing of dogs.

To license, tax and regulate wheeled vehicles.

To license, tax and regulate branch stores or establishments
and all other concerns established in said city for temporary or
seasonal business only.

To license, tax and regulate ice-cream wagons, butcher wag-
ons, cigar and tobacco stands, gasoline stations, popcorn ma-
chines, and all similar occupations.

To license, tax and regulate, restrain and prohibit the erection
or maintenance of bill boards, within said city, the placing of
signs, bills and posters of every kind and description on any
building, fence, post, billboard, pole or other place or device
within said city.

To regulate, tax, restrain, or prohibit all public gatherings of
every sort; and to regulate, license, tax, restrain or prohibit all
medicine shows, street vendors, and all demonstrators of every

To regulate, license, tax, restrain, or prohibit all sales adver-
tised as removal sales, fire sales, closing out sales, reduction of
stock sales, damaged goods sales, salvage sales, inventory sales,
auction sales, and all other sales similar in character to any of
the foregoing.

To regulate, license, tax, restrain, or prohibit the sale of mag-
azines or periodicals of every description by solicitors or agents;
and to regulate, license, tax, restrain or prohibit the enlarging


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 254   View pdf image (33K)
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