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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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or owners of the abutting property in proportion to the front-
age of such property, such assessment to be collected as munici-
pal taxes are collected by law in said City; and the said Mayor
and City Council are hereby given full power and authority to
appoint, employ and compensate all officers, agents, servants or
employees that may, in the exercise of their discretion, seem nec-
essary or advisable to carry into effect the provisions of this and
the preceding or any other section of the charter of said Ocean

172-A. In addition to the powers already possessed and not
in limitation thereof the Mayor and City Council shall have the
power to pass all such ordinances not contrary to the Constitu-
tion of this State as it may deem necessary:

For the good government of the city.

For the protection and preservation of the city's property,
rights and privileges.

For the preservation of peace and good order and securing
persons and property from violence, danger or destruction.

For the protection of the health, comfort and convenience of
the citizens of Ocean City and visitors thereto or sojourners

For the appointment of a Board of Health and defining and
regulating its powers and duties.

For the erection and maintenance of houses of correction and
for the confinement of criminals, hospitals or pest houses within
or without the limits of the city, and for the regulation and gov-
ernment of the same.

For the providing proper and suitable lights upon the public

For establishing and main taming a fire department.

For erecting and maintaining bridges.

For establishing, maintaining and regulating an adequate
police force.

To regulate or prohibit the use of hand organs or instruments
of any annoying character, or other itinerant performers in the
streets, alleys or public places of such city.

To regulate the location and management of starch factories.
glue factories, renderies, tallow chandlers, bone factories, soap
factories, hide houses, tanneries, slaughter houses, breweries, dis-
tilleries, livery stables, foundries and all other establishments of
which the business or trade may become noxious or injurious to
public comfort and health; to prohibit the erection of such build-
ings or the continuance of such noxious or injurious occupations
therein, whenever the public health or comfort requires it.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 249   View pdf image (33K)
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