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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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necessary, shall be available for the purpose of improvements
of the streets and highways of said town, to the betterment of
the water system and to such other proper public purposes
as in the judgment of the said Mayor and City Council may
seem advisable.

SEC. 6. Be it further enacted as aforesaid, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an Emergency Law and necessary for the
immediate preservation of the public safety, and being passed
upon a yea and nay vote supported by three fifths of the mem-
bers elected to each of the two Houses of the General Assembly,
the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.

Approved April 9, 1924.


AN ACT to repeal Sections 169 and 175 of Staton's Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws of Worcester County, title Ocean City, and
re-enact the same with amendments, and to add a new sec-
tion to follow Section 172 and to be designated as Section

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 169 and 175 of Staton's Code of Public
Local Laws of Worcester County, be and the same are hereby
repealed and re-enacted with amendments and a new section
added to follow Section 172 and to be designated as Section
172-A, so as to read respectively as follows:

169. The Mayor and City Council of Ocean City are hereby
authorized and empowered to require and enforce the grading,
regrading, improvement, maintenance and repairs of the public
streets, gutters, sidewalks, alleys and ways of the town by the
placing of pavements, curbing, shells, dirt, boardwalks or other
improvements of such material and kind as in the discretion of
the Mayor and City Council may seem proper, at the expense
of the owners of the abutting property, and in case of a failure
of such owner or owners of such property to make such improve-
ments or repairs in the manner and of such materials as directed
by the Mayor and City Council within twenty days after
written notice thereof by personal service on such owner or own-
ers, or by mailing such notice to the last known postoffice ad-
dress of such owner or owners, then the said Mayor and City
Council have the power and authority to proceed to make such
improvement or repairs and assess the costs thereof to the owner


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 248   View pdf image (33K)
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