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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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To prevent or regulate the use or sale of firearms, fireworks,
bonfires or other things or practices tending to endanger. persons
or property.

To regulate and prohibit the running at large of cattle, horses,
swine, fowls, sheep, goats, dogs or other animals, to authorize the
impounding, keeping, sale and redemption of such animals when
found in violation of the ordinance in such cases provided.

To prevent the deposit of any unwholesome substance, either
on private or public property; to compel its removal to desig-
nated points, and to require slops, garbage, ashes and other
waste or unwholesome material to be removed to designated
points, or to require the occupants of premises to place them
conveniently for removal. For the purpose of this paragraph
jurisdiction is given such city one mile in every direction from
the corporate limits.

To compel the occupants of any premises, building or out-
houses situated in said city when the same may have become
filthy or unwholesome, to abate or cleanse the same, and to
authorize the same to be done by the proper officers, and assess
the expense thereof against such property.

To regulate or prevent the storage of gunpowder, tar, pitch,
resin, coal oil, benzine, turpentine, hemp, cotton, nitroglycerine,
dynamite, giant powder, petroleum, gasoline or gas, or any prod-
uct thereof, or any other explosives or combustible material, or
any material which may seem to be dangerous.

To regulate or prohibit the interment of bodies and to author-
ize the removal of bodies now or hereafter buried, or of ceme-
teries, to some other proper place.

To establish quarantine regulations.

To authorize the removal or confinement of persons having
infectious or pestilential diseases.

To regulate or prohibit the ringing of bells, crying of goods,
or sounding of steam whistles.

To pass all ordinances or orders, and to expend such sums of
money as may be necessary for the protection, maintenance and
preservation of the water supply of the city and the prevention
of the pollution thereof.

To direct the location and regulate the management of all pub-
lic markets and market places, whether established by the city
or by private individuals.

To regulate and require the inspection and condemnation, if
unwholesome, and to regulate the sale of meats, poultry, fish,
butter, oleomargarine, cheese, lard, vegetables. and all other food
or provisions.


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Session Laws, 1924
Volume 568, Page 250   View pdf image (33K)
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