STATEMENT B—Continued.
Act of Assembly
Chapter No.
Public School System —
Census and Attendance Distribution......
385, 930. 00
1, 650, 000. 00
2, 035, 930. 00
Physical and Health Education..........
12, 500. 00
12, 500. 00
State Normal School, Towson............
153, 734. 36
153, 734. 36
Bureau of Educational Measurements....
12, 000, 00
12, 000. 00
State Normal School, Bowie..............
44, 687. 00
44, 687. 00
Bureau of Publications and Printing......
6, 000. 00
6, 000. 00
State Normal School, Frostburg..........
37, 500. 00
37, 500. 00
Examination and Certification of Teachers
2, 500. 00
2, 500. 00
Vocational Education, Federal Funds.....
45, 585. 87
45, 585. 87
Extension Teaching for Teachers in
12, 000, 00
12, 000. 00
Approved High Schools..................
333, 617. 00
333, 617. 00
Consultant Architect to Department......
1, 500. 00
1, 500. 00
Text Books and Supplies.................
250, 000. 00
250, 000. 00
Retired Teachers' Pension...............
80, 000. 00
80, 000. 00
Manual Training Schools................
30, 750. 00
30, 750. 00
Common Free School Fund..............
12, 152. 68
12, 152. 68
Vocational Training......................
15, 000. 00
15, 000. 00
Equalization Fund.......................
234, 733. 00
234, 733. 00
Colleges, Academies and Schools —
Blue Ridge College......................
7, 000. 00
7. 000. 00
Charlotte Hall School...................
8, 500. 00
8, 500. 00
McDonough Institute....................
6, 500. 00
6, 500. 00
McDonough School......................
1, 500. 00
1, 500. 00
Maryland Institute......................
15, 000. 00
15, 000. 00
Morgan College..........................
3, 000. 00
3, 000. 00