St. John's College.......................
50, 000. 00
50, 000. 00
St. Mary's Female Seminary.............
10, 000. 00
10, 000. 00
The Johns Hopkins University...........
75, 000. 00
75, 000. 00
Western Maryland College...............
22, 700. 00
22, 700. 00
Washington College.....................
45, 000. 00
45, 000. 00
West Nottingham Academy...............
500. 00
500. 00
Payment of Revenue to Civil Divisions
of State.
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, ac-
count receipts from Motor Vehicle
616, 172. 90
615, 172. 90
Public Debt
Interest and Redemptions (see Statement
"B" for details)—
2, 582, 455. 22
2, 582, 455. 22
Sinking Fund Investments...............
695, 848. 83
695, 848. 83
Disbursements from Treasury Account
Loan Funds.
Lateral, Post Roads and Bridge Loan of
203 of 1922
$1, 680, 182. 90
1, 680, 182. 90
General Construction Loan of 1922.......
464 of 1922
1, 250, 000. 00
1, 250, 000. 00
Baltimore-Southern Maryland Trunk Line
Road Loan of 1922.....................
310 of 1922
254, 044. 36
254, 044. 36
Susquehanna Bridge Loan of 1922........
494 of 1922
585, 000. 00
585, 000. 00
Special Payments Account of Loans —
Susquehanna Bridge Loan of 1922.......
989. 95
989. 95
Bridge Loan of 1920.....................
382 of 1920
45. 53
45. 53
Lateral Post Roads and Bridge Loan of
203 of 1922
1, 757. 35
1, 757. 35