Jewish Home for Consumptives..........
12, 000. 00
12, 000. 00
Nursery and Child's Hospital............
4, 500. 00
4, 500. 00
Provident General Hospital..............
2, 000. 00
2, 000. 00
Silver Cross Home.......................
1, 500. 00
1, 500. 00
South Baltimore General Hospital........
6, 500. 00
6, 500. 00
Maintaining Reformatories, Correctional
Institutions, Etc.
Public Institutions —
House of Correction and Maryland Peni-
230, 959. 83
230, 959. 83
House of Reformation for Colored Boys..
15, 000. 00
15, 000. 00
Maryland Training School for Boys......
77, 050, 00
37, 404. 53
114, 454. 53
Maryland Industrial Training School for
52, 252. 00
36, 402. 30
88, 654. 30
Private Institutions —
St. Mary's Industrial School.............
50, 000. 00
50, 000. 00
Maryland Prisoners' Aid Association.....
5, 000. 00
5, 000. 00
House of Good Shepherd.................
6, 000. 00
6, 000. 00
House of Good Shepherd, Colored........
4, 000. 00
4, 000. 00
Industrial Home for Colored Girls.......
4, 000. 00
4, 000. 00
Administration —
State Department of Education..........
65, 650. 00
65, 650. 00
State Board of Education, Traveling
1, 000. 00
1, 000. 00
Printing Annual Report..................
2, 000. 00
2, 000. 00
Superintendents, Supervisors and Attend-
ance Officers...........................
145, 898. 64
145, 898. 64