STATEMENT B—Continued.
Act of Assembly
Chapter No.
Montgomery County Hospital.............
3, 000. 00
3, 000. 00
Northeastern Dispensary.................
750. 00
760. 00
St. Mary's Hospital......................
1, 500. 00
1, 500. 00
Southern General Hospital...............
311. 00
311. 00
Union Hospital of Cecil County..........
5, 500. 00
5, 600. 00
Union Memorial Hospital................
7, 000. 00
7, 000. 00
Care of Insane and Feeble Minded —
Crownsville State Hospital...............
56, 741. 40
56, 865. 25
113, 606. 65
Eastern Shore State Hospital............
74, 160. 00
10, 531. 09
84, 691. 09
Rosewood State Training School.........
167, 780. 00
9, 654. 81
177, 334. 81
Springfield State Hospital...............
219, 826. 20
213, 817. 28
433, 643. 41
Spring Grove State Hospital.............
140, 889. 50
104, 604. 95
245, 494. 48
Mt. Hope Retreat........................
15, 300. 00
15, 300. 00
Sylvan Retreat..........................
18, 000. 00
18, 000. 00
Miscellaneous Charities —
Interment of Deceased Soldiers..........
35. 00
35. 00
Hospitals, Special —
Baltimore Bye, Bar and Throat Hospital.
2, 600. 00
2, 500. 00
Children's Hospital School...............
7, 000. 00
7, 000. 00
County Commissioners of Montgomery Co
3, 902. 19
3, 902. 19
Co. Commissioners of Prince George's Co
3, 643. 25
3, 643. 25
Kernan Hospital for Crippled and De-
formed Children.......................
13, 000. 00
13, 000. 00
Hospital for Women of Maryland........
3, 602. 00
3, 602. 00