State Hospitals, Training Schools and Sanatoriums.
Crownsville State Hospital...............................
63, 054. 71
63, 054. 71
Eastern Shore State Hospital............................
24, 145. 12
24, 145. 12
Maryland Training School for Boys......................
41, 754. 46
41, 754. 46
Maryland Industrial Training School for Girls............
20, 145. 72
20, 145. 72
Maryland Industrial Training School for Girls
(Special Account)...................................
Maryland Tuberculosis Sanatorium.......................
8, 924. 10
8, 924. 10
Pine Bluff Sanatorium...................................
Rosewood State Training School..........................
6, 132. 08
6, 132. 08
Springfield State Hospital................................
239, 483. 37
239, 483. 37
Spring Grove State Hospital.............................
104, 823. 24
104, 823. 24
State Departments, Etc.
Advisory Board of Parole................................
Bank Commissioner......................................
29, 614. 49
29, 614. 49
Board of Examiners of Public Accountants...............
Board of Public Works..................................
29, 618. 41
29, 618. 41
Central Purchasing Bureau..............................
5. 29
5. 29
Clerk of Court of Appeals...............................
2, 680. 40
2, 680-40
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Title Department.......
157, 243. 81
157, 243. 81
Conservation Commission.................................
87, 504. 13
87, 504. 13
Department of Law......................................
215. 50
215. 50
Executive Department, Governor.........................
5, 454. 81
5, 454. 81
Executive Department, Secretary of State................
308. 95
308. 95
Game Department........................................
116, 787. 56
116, 787. 56
Land Office..............................................
1, 616. 75
1, 616. 75
Maryland Racing Commission............................
664, 432. 75
664, 432. 75
Maryland State Board of Forestry........................
5, 376. 89
5, 376. 89
Maryland State Board of Motion Picture Censors.........
46, 080. 04
46, 080. 04
Public Service Commission...............................
1, 082. 68
1, 082. 68
State Athletic Commission...............................
5, 000. 00
5, 000. 00